Chemistry Education Study Program (CESP) facilitates students to do student mobility abroad. One of the regular student mobility programs is SEA Teacher. The SEA Teacher Project or the “Pre-Service Student Teacher Exchange in Southeast Asia” is a project that aims to provide opportunity for pre-service student teachers from universities in Southeast Asia to have teaching experiences (practicum) in schools in other countries in Southeast Asia.


SEA Teacher is a program organized by The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO). Based on the SEAMEO seven priority areas for the eleven SEAMEO Member countries to work together to improve the quality of education in Southeast Asia, “Revitalizing Teacher Education” is one of the priority areas in building and strengthening capacity of teachers in the region.




“And the best feelings that I’ve got is… It’s still like an imagination when every students called me “Teacher” and this is the first time I’m teaching in the most valuable experience. Very excited!”

“Ideas and innovations only can be created by enhance knowledge, meet new experiences, and have good networking. As long as we always want to learn, there is a way to being good and inspiring educator. Do it all because of God”

I have some outcomes from this practicum, especially I have a new skills about how to teaching with simple words and communicative English and also using a simple body language to increase the students’ understanding. Beside that, I also can practice directly of what I have learned in my university, especially for pedagogic skills, using the right media and technology to support the learning activity. And the most things that I feel is I can increasing and encourage my English speaking with the buddy and teachers in the school because I can speak English more fluently than before join this program and I also can construct my sentences when I’m speaking with the right grammar. Overall, I’m very grateful and very excited to join this program.

From this project I can learned that the objective of the learning is not only about how I can fulfill the subtopics target. But, the important things is how we can attract the students and all of the learning are students centered learning. The students will enjoy the class if they have an active and fun learning. Especially for science and chemistry subjects, it would be better if I as a teacher not using lecturing too much and better give them a fun demonstration or experiment to attract and pay attention with the students. So, from this project I have learned many things that I can improve it little by little to make my pedagogic skills better and being an good educators in the future.


“My impression after joining this program was that I had an amazing experience and I will never forget it. This experience was also very useful for me going forward because I was studying chemistry education, surely after graduating the biggest outcast I would work as a teacher. The knowledge I get from this program will continue to be used and I share with my friends at the university. Not to forget also with my new friends who come from Thailand and the Philippines, with them I get new knowledge starting from the language and culture of their culture”


“There are many new things that I got when joining this SEA Teacher program. It’s the most memorable experience for me because it was the first time I taught in front of students and students, not from Indonesia”


“I want to say thank you because you have given me an unforgettable moment and an incredible experience. And I hope those who are thinking of SEA TEACHER embrace it for the amazing experience it will give, in becoming, not just a better teacher, but a better person. ”

I‘m so glad because have been given the opportunity to teach in the Philippines, how I’m excited can know about culture and education in the Philippines. Because that I don‘t want to uselessly with didn’t prepare for my self. Before I went to teaching in the Philippines, I’m prepared for myself like training for microteaching, culture, speaking English, and media for learning. I teach 6 classes, in 12th-grade high school, I teach by giving videos as an introduction to the material that I will teach, they really enjoy the video and I ask them about the video that I show, and I divide it into 8 groups, then I share them paper containing microscopes and they will do jigsaw games, they really enjoy, and I explain the material with the presentation. After teaching practice I carried out the final demonstration and finally, I teach 20 hours a week.

Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia
Fakultas Matematika & Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam
Universitas Islam Indonesia

Gedung Prof. Dr. H. Zanzawi Soejoeti Kampus Terpadu Universitas Islam Indonesia Jl. Kaliurang Km. 14.5, Sleman, Yogyakarta

Phone: +62 274 896439 Ext. 3011
Handphone : +62 895 0107 2014
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Email: [email protected]

Akreditasi Institusi Unggul
Universitas Islam Indonesia telah mendapatkan Akreditasi Institusi Unggul dari Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi (BAN-PT) pada tahun 2021

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