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The vision and mission of the study program have been reviewed and revised. The vision and mission evaluation of the study program is carried out in accordance with the evaluation stages including discussion and meeting of the user, alumnus, the Himpunan Kimiawan Indonesia (HKI) or Association of Indonesian Chemists, and lecturers. This evaluation produced the vision and mission:


In 2025 Chemistry Education Study Program UII became the best CESP in Indonesia, able to produce competent graduates, apply learning with an applicative chemistry approach, and as rahmatan lil alamin (mercy to the universe).



  1. Became superior CESP in organizing the management of world-class higher education in the field of chemistry education by enforcing God’s revelations and the sunnah of Rasul as a source of eternal truth that brings mercy to the universe.
  2. Became superior CESP in performing research as a science and technology development, producing works that are recognized at the national and international level and beneficial to people’s lives.
  3. Became superior CESP in performing community service in a professionally to actualize research results to make a close relationship with the community and an increase in community welfare.
  4. Became superior CESP in organizing collaborations to build networks in educational, research, community service, and Islamic preaching activities.


  1. Accelerate the achievement of University vision and mission through the provision of excellent and high-quality education according to national education standards by building a superior and high-quality study program management system.
  2. Producing excellent study program services and oriented to customer satisfaction to all stakeholders.
  3. Producing graduates who have high competence in the field of chemistry education to respond to market needs
  4. Producing research products in the form of internationally reputable products including scientific works, books, patents, and technology products that can be applied in the field of chemistry education, so that they can compete at the national and international levels.
  5. Producing community service activities based on research results in a professional way in order to participate in solving global and national problems, especially in the field of chemistry education and the problems of the nation, generally.
  6. Producing mutually beneficial cooperation activities through partnerships and networks at the national and international levels to build an education system for the management of study programs, research and community service, and global standard Islamic propaganda.
  7. Producing Islamic activities with global quality to accelerate the realization of rahmatan lil’ alamin.

Chemistry Education Study Program
Universitas Islam Indonesia

Gedung Prof. Dr. H. Zanzawi Soejoeti Kampus Terpadu Universitas Islam Indonesia Jl. Kaliurang Km. 14.5, Sleman, Yogyakarta

Phone: +62 274 896439 Ext. 3011
Handphone : +62 895 0107 2014
Faks: +62 274 896439
Email: [email protected]

Excellent Institutional Accreditation
The Islamic University of Indonesia has received the Excellent Institutional Accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) in 2021

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